Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Well, I have read many of the pros and cons of a second stimulus check and frankly I am not very confident about any decisions coming out of Washington D.C. But, of all of the ideas to stimulate or save the economy from a total crash, I think this one has a little more merit. At least this plan gives some relief to the average American consumer. The problem with the first stimulus check was that it was simply too small to make much of a difference. Most people simply used it to pay off bills, leaving very little expendable cash to spend on things that might actually stimulate the economy. If you really want to stimulate the economy, take the 700 billion dollars that congress earmarked for the financial companies and split it up among taxpayers. Now that would stimulate the economy. People could pay their mortgage -- mortgage crisis solved. Buy a new car-- even the "Big Three" is sure to get a fair share to help solve their "problems". Buy durable goods like furniture -- unemployment declines in manufacturing. Yes, a stimulus check would be nice if it were big enough to make a difference in the lives of ordinary hard working Americans. It sure beats bailing out the money-grubbing auto industry that can't seem to learn from its past mistakes.

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